
Long-term international health insurance for up to 365 days for incoming Schengen visa travellerslong-term holidaymakers, business travellers and Work & Travel programme participants

Tariffs for

long-term travellers
and tourists

Global health insurance with up to 365 days of insurance cover and day-by-day billing for tourists and long-stay travellers

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As a tourist or long-term traveller, you can insure yourself abroad for up to 365 days with MAWISTA Reisecare for an attractive price-performance ratio. The costs of medically necessary treatments are covered in the event of an unexpected illness or accident.

Thanks to the option of being able to cancel on a daily basis, you can adjust the international health insurance plan MAWISTA Reisecare to suit your actual travel dates at any time. You can also add the option of accident and liability insurance to this health insurance plan. 

You will receive your insurance documents quickly and reliably within just a few minutes, meaning nothing will stand in the way of even a last minute trip.


MAWISTA Reisecare

from €1.25 per day



from €13 per trip

Tariffs for

Incoming Schengen travellers and business travellers

High-quality incoming health insurance plans for Germany, Switzerland and the Schengen countries

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If you are travelling to Germany, Switzerland or another Schengen country, we recommend the health insurance plan MAWISTA Visum. This tariff meets the official requirements for health insurance when applying for a Schengen visa. It covers the costs of medically necessary treatments in the event of an unexpected illness or accident.

MAWISTA Visum offers incoming Schengen travellers, whether for personal or business purposes, a health insurance plan with a high degree of security and flexibility.

The insurance plan is valid for a period of between 8-183 days with as many entries and exits as you like. So if your travel plans change at short notice, this will have no effect on the health insurance.

Tariff for

Work & Travel

International health insurance with a flexible travel duration
of up to 365 days at an
attractive price-performance ratio

Find out more

As a Work & Travel programme participant, you need good health insurance. To ensure maximum flexibility, we recommend the international travel insurance plan MAWISTA Reisecare.

With this plan, you can take out insurance cover and cancel it on a daily basis. A very good price-performance ratio completes this tariff, enabling you as a Work&Travel programme participant to have a wonderful time.


MAWISTA Reisecare

from €1.25 per day

Decision-making tool

Comparison of tariffs

Differences between long-term international health insurance plans

MAWISTA Reisecare
MAWISTA Reisecare

Foreigners in Germany/Schengen countries

Particularly suitable for Schengen visa

Germans abroad/worldwide

Tourist/business traveller

Work & Travel (up to €556/month)

Long-term travellers

Continuous health insurance cover abroad

10-365 days

8-183 days

Outpatient & inpatient treatment

Medically prescribed medicines and dressings

Analgesic dental treatment

up to €250

up to €250

Search and rescue operation following an accident

up to €5,000

up to €5,000

Liability insurance


Accident insurance


Age limit

80 years

80 years

Insurance premium

From €1.25 per day

from €13 per trip

Terms of contract without USA/Canada


Terms of contract with USA/Canada

Further information


MAWISTA Visum is ideal for those who need health insurance for their temporary stay in Germany or a Schengen country. The health insurance plan reimburses all insured medical costs to an unlimited amount, thus meeting the requirements of embassies and consulates for a Schengen visa.

With this health insurance plan, you can be particularly flexible with your entry date. First, choose your desired insurance period of between 8 and 183 days. Once you have taken out the insurance, you’ll have 12 months to start your trip. The insurance cover will start automatically on the day you enter the country. It also covers multiple entries and exits. You’ll receive your insurance certificate via email immediately after taking out the health insurance plan.

MAWISTA Reisecare

As one of the very few tariffs on the market, you can insure yourself with MAWISTA Reisecare for up to 365 days at a time. The tariff is ideal as an international health insurance plan for people who will be living outside Germany for a longer period of time. The tariff can also be adjusted at any time to suit your actual travel dates, meaning that you only have to pay for the actual number of days you spend travelling.

MAWISTA Reisecare can also be applied for during your stay abroad or can be used as a follow-on insurance plan to a previous insurance policy. Again, you’ll receive your insurance certificate immediately via email once you have taken out the plan.