Incoming Health Insurance Spain

Incoming Schengen
Health Insurance

Comprehensive health insurance for Spain and all Schengen countries.
Suitable for visa applications.

MAWISTA Visum Spain

from 13 € per trip

Health insurance coverage for the following groups of people:

Incoming Spain

Tariff at a glance

Insured region

Spain and Schengen area

Sum insured

Unlimited cover for insured benefits

Insurance duration

Duration of 8 to 183 days

Proof of insurance

Recognized by authorities


No excess up to the age of 64

Maximum age of entry

Max. age of entry is 80 years

Payment method

Single payment via direct debit or credit card


Possible for a duration of up to 183 days


To an exact day, possible at any time before the contract expires


What our customers have to say

2370 Reviews

Decision-making tool

Overview of insurance benefits

24/7 medical assistance/emergency call centre

Outpatient treatment by a physician

Inpatient hospital treatment

Medically prescribed medicines and dressings

Medical aids such as crutches or wheelchair

Transport costs to nearest suitable hospital

Repatriation costs in case of death

Pain-relieving dental treatment, denture repairs and temporary solutions per insurance year


Search and rescue operation costs following an accident


Travel liability insurance for compensation claims in the case of damage to rented property


Travel liability insurance for compensation claims in the case of personal injury and damage to property


Policy wording

Single premium

MAWISTA Visum for single travellers up to 64 years of age 


up to 8 days 


up to 15 days


up to 31 days 


up to 45 days 


up to 62 days 


up to 92 days 


up to 183 days 


Single premium

MAWISTA Visum for single travellers from 65-80 years of age

Excess €100 per person for outpatient treatments and €500 per person for inpatient treatments


up to 8 days 


up to 15 days


up to 31 days


up to 45 days 


up to 62 days 


up to 92 days 


up to 183 days 


Visitors to Spain

Health Insurance for
International Travellers

Travel safely in Spain and the Schengen area with Mawista Visum health insurance. Designed to meet strict visa requirements for medical insurance, Mawista Visum provides excellent coverage, including unlimited expenses for insured medical treatments and repatriation for medical reasons. Whether you are visiting for a few days or staying up to 183, your travel insurance protects you in Spain and every Schengen country. No matter where your travels take you, your insurance cover will follow you.

Frictionless visa application and
cost-effective travel insurance

Get Mawista Visum Spain today and travel safely.

Our service

Upon taking out the contract, you will immediately receive your insurance certificate via email in the form of a PDF file.

Once your insurance cover is in place, you can travel to Spain and other Schengen countries at any time within 12 months. The actual insurance cover will start with your first entry into a Schengen country and is then valid for the duration you have selected (8-183 days).

If you have any questions about MAWISTA Visum Spain, we would be happy to help you.

The insurer
Allianz Logo

Germany branch
Bahnhofstr. 16
85609 Aschheim (near Munich)

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions about the tariff
Which countries am I insured in?

The incoming health insurance MAWISTA Visum Spain is recognized by the Spanish and Schengen authorities for stays in Spain as well as in the Schengen states.

It does not provide insurance cover in countries where the person is permanently resident.

Trips to regions where there is a travel warning in place from the Spanish Foreign Office at the time of entry are excluded from insurance cover.

Is there a health insurance policy to cover any family who have come with me?

If your family is visiting for less than 6 months, MAWISTA Visum Spain is a good choice. Each family member must take out insurance separately. We do not offer family insurance that covers multiple people.

Why do I need liability insurance?

Liability insurance pays costs for damages caused inadvertently by you in daily life. This includes property damage (damage to or destruction of property) and personal injury (damage to health, injury or death of third parties). For property and personal damage, the sum insured is up to €1,000,000 per person and up to €250,000 for damage to rental property (for example, water damage caused by you).

How do I cancel a MAWISTA Visum Spain policy?

An Incoming MAWISTA Visum Spain policy can be cancelled within the revocation period or if your visa is refused. The cancellation must be submitted to MAWISTA in writing. The notice of termination will be checked upon receipt and a response will be sent in writing. If the policy is successfully cancelled, it will be refunded once the 12-month validity period has expired.

Who is this tariff suitable for?

The MAWISTA Visum health insurance reimburses all insured medical costs in the event of an unexpected illness or accident without limit. This insurance meets the requirements of Spanish embassies and consulates for a Schengen visa and is aimed at tourists, business travellers, transit travellers, globetrotters and visitor groups in Spain.

Which doctor or hospital can I go to?

If the illness is minor (for example, you have the flu, headaches or have had a minor accident), we recommend you find a general practitioner in the local area. The doctor providing treatment can refer you to the specialist if needed. If you have toothache, you should go straight to the dentist. 

If you have severe pain, a serious accident or need to see someone outside of normal opening hours (for example at the weekend), you should visit an on-call doctor’s practice that offers an emergency service or go to a hospital. If you need to stay in hospital as an inpatient (e.g. for an operation), you must contact your insurer immediately. In this case, the emergency call centre team will clarify the details of how the costs will be covered directly with the hospital. The advantage of this is that high hospital bills do not have to be disbursed as the insurer will pay your costs directly in this case.

Our emergency call centre team are available 24 hours a day:

Tel.: +49 89 6242 4496

Fax: +49 89 6242 4246

Which documents are needed for a declaration of cost acceptance?

The prerequisite for obtaining a declaration of cost acceptance is the treatment of an acute illness (no pre-existing condition) that is medically necessary and cannot be postponed.

The following documents must be submitted in order to check that this requirement has been met:

  • Detailed report on findings by the doctor who ordered the operation
  • Medical history
  • Symptoms
  • Information about when the operation will take place
  • Information about where the operation will take place
How do I submit bills?

Bills are submitted via our claims form. This needs to be completed in full. Once the form is sent, you will receive an automatic confirmation of receipt via email. The insurer will then check whether the bill can be reimbursed and deal with the rest.

What documents are needed to reimburse hospital invoices?

So they can check hospital bills, your insurer will need the following documents:

  • Admission notification from the hospital
  • Discharge notification from the hospital
  • Bill
  • Full discharge report
Are medications included in the insurance?

Costs for medication will be covered provided they have been prescribed by a doctor for medically necessary treatment of an acute illness.

What does the MAWISTA Visum Spain tariff not cover?

With MAWISTA Visum Spain, the insurer will generally only reimburse treatment that is medically necessary and has occurred after the start of the insurance term. Treatment for pre-existing conditions will therefore not be paid for by the insurer.

Section 3 of the conditions of insurance outlines the cases where there is no insurance cover:

  1. Medical treatments and other medically prescribed measures which are the reason for the trip
  2. Medical treatments and other medically prescribed measures which were known to be necessary by the insured person prior to the trip or at the time the policy was taken out, or which must have been expected by them due to known circumstances
  3. Alcohol, drug and other addictions and their consequences
  4. Deliveries after the 36th week of pregnancy, terminations that can be postponed or are not medically indicated and their consequences
  5. Injuries that occur as the result of active participation in competitions by sports organisations and related training
  6. Dental treatment that goes beyond pain-relieving treatment, repairs to dentures and temporary solutions whose cost is over €250 per trip
  7. Massage treatment and purchase of prostheses and aids
  8. For the treatment of mental or emotional disorders and hypnosis and psychotherapy including the medications used for this purpose and repatriation of patients
  9. Treatment or hospital stays related to prolonged illness, nursing care or need for compulsory care or custody, including repatriation
  10. Fees that exceed what is generally considered normal and reasonable in the country in question and elective services (such as a private room or treatment by the head physician)
What services are insured in the event of a Covid-19 infection?

We will cover you if you fall ill with Covid-19 during your stay abroad.

The following services are covered, provided they have been ordered by a doctor:

  •     Medically necessary treatments
  •     Examinations
  •     Medication
  •     Costs for in-patient quarantine
  •     PCR test (if symptoms present)
General information about the Schengen visa

You submit a visa application to the embassy or consulate general (diplomatic mission) of the Schengen country you wish to enter. Each diplomatic mission is responsible for a specific administrative district. The office you need to apply to depends on your usual residence or domicile. You submit your visa application there with all the required documents in person. Visa applications can be submitted electronically to the Foreign Office.

Processing your application for a short-term visa normally takes two to ten working days. However, if you plan to travel in peak tourist season, you may experience delays. If you are planning to stay for longer or need a work permit, you need to take into account that it might take several months to process your visa. We therefore recommend applying early.

For private visits, you normally need an ‘invitation’. This means a formal declaration of commitment is required. The host can obtain the relevant form from the diplomatic mission responsible for their place of residence or from the public order office. As part of this declaration, their creditworthiness is normally checked and signature authenticated. By submitting the declaration of commitment, the host is liable for healthcare costs that cannot be paid by the guest themselves. They are obliged to guarantee the livelihood (food, accommodation, clothing etc.) and health care in the case of illness and if care is required. They must also agree to cover the costs if the guest needs to be repatriated.

MAWISTA Visum Spain can also be obtained by citizens of Schengen states residing in non-Schengen countries for their temporary visit to the Schengen area.

What is the Schengen area?

The Schengen area is an alliance of 29 countries whose aim is to remove physical border controls. With a Schengen visa, you thus gain an entry and exit permit for all countries in the Schengen zone. Member states are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

Who needs a visa to enter the Schengen area?

A current list of countries requiring a visa can be found on the website of the European Union.

Can I apply for follow-on insurance?

The maximum contract term for MAWISTA Visum Spain is 183 days. You can apply for MAWISTA follow-on insurance cover. It is important to apply for this before your original contract expires. Continued insurance cover only covers acute illness that occur after the application for follow-on insurance cover (conclusion date). If you have any questions, our staff would be happy to help. We are available Monday to Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on +49 7024 469 510.

Can I switch to a tariff with a longer term during my stay in Spain?

MAWISTA Visum Spain is particularly suitable for those applying for a visa in a Schengen country. If your stay in Spain is to be continued e.g. to attend a language school, to study, as a scientist or expat, we also offer suitable tariffs for these requirements. You can find these offers on the MAWISTA Student and MAWISTA Expatcare product pages. Our team would be happy to advise you on a suitable MAWISTA follow-on insurance contract.

We are available from Monday to Thursday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. and Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m.:

Tel.: +49 7024 469 510


What is an ‘invitation’?

For private visits, you normally need an ‘invitation’. This means a formal declaration of commitment that a host must enter into for the period of your visit.

The relevant form can be obtained from the diplomatic mission responsible for their place of residence or from the public order office. As part of this declaration, their creditworthiness is normally checked and signature authenticated. By submitting the declaration of commitment, the host is liable for healthcare costs that cannot be paid by the guest themselves. They are obliged to guarantee the livelihood (food, accommodation, clothing etc.) and health care in the case of illness and if care is required.

They must also agree to cover the costs if the guest needs to be repatriated.

Can a visa for a guest be extended?

A visa can only be extended in specific, justified exceptional circumstances. The immigration authority in your guest’s place of residence is solely responsible for this.

Only this authority can decide whether a visa can be extended during a stay.