What is “Sozialversicherung”?

What is “Sozialversicherung”?

Often international students arriving in Germany ask themselves what social security is. They want to know if and how much they have to pay for it.

Often international students arriving in Germany ask themselves what social security (Sozialversicherung) is. Above all, they want to know if and how much they have to pay for it. In this article we will explain the topic in a clear and concise way.

Social insurance contributions and social security number


  1. The contribution depends on the income
  2. Social security should protect employees
  3. Social security is one of the compulsory insurances

Once you start working in Germany for the first time, your employer will register you for working in his company and then you will receive the social security number automatically.

If you earn more than 450, – EUR/month or if you are full employed, then you are usually subject to social insurance contributions and your employer must register you at a public health insurance company.

In case you are not subject to social insurance contributions (if you do a minijob or minor employment), then you will receive the social security number from the “Bundesknappschaft”. Your employer will register you there. If it´s not a minijob please contact „Deutsche Rentenversicherung“ for your social security number.

You can find more information on our website under the following link: https://www.mawista.com/en/health-insurance-for-foreign-nationals-in-germany/social-security-card-foreign-students/.

Who benefits from social security?

Social security is intended to protect citizens against damage such as sickness, maternity, long-term care, accidents at work, occupational diseases, unemployment, reduced earning capacity and death. Social security is based on the principle of solidarity and the following five pillars.

  1. Health Insurance
  2. Unemployment insurance
  3. Pension insurance
  4. Nursing-care insurance
  5. Accident insurance

Social security for working students

When you work as a working student, you enjoy a special social security status. Your health and nursing insurance are covered by the student status, since you are a full-time student for the health insurance fund. As a student you do not have to pay for unemployment insurance. With that you only pay a small part into the pension insurance.